Thursday, March 20, 2008

Islands are Forever

While not officially part of SXSW, the Mess with Texas Party is in its second year of kicking a little butt. This free one day music festival is held in little ol’ Waterloo Park, near the Capitol. There were definitely more mohawks in one place there than I've seen since South Street in Philly. With a slate of bands ranging from the obscure (Moonrats?) to the nostalgic (the Breeders), we were there for a little of the sublime.

Islands in its original lineup was the project of former Unicorns bandmates Nicholas “Nick Diamond” Thornburg and Jaime “J’aime Tambeur” Thompson. Thompson’s since left, but Diamond Nick and the rest of the gang, including Alex Chow and Sebastian Chow (relation unclear - in some interviews Alex says they aren't related, yet other articles say they are the "magnificent Chow brothers" known to many as the 1993 and 1994 World Super NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) Fest champions) going all Arnold Poindexter on the strings, and a special appearance by Busdriver on a track from their first album. And we can't forget Patrice, who puts down his guitar every so often for a bass clarinet.

A Chow on the violin

They played a set of mostly new tunes to an enthusiastic yet respectful crowd (think about it - when's the last time you went to hear a band and you could actually HEAR the band rather than the twit on her yell phone behind you).

Nick, looking all Bowie and stuff
I admit, I planned my day around this 45 minute slice of joy, and I wasn't disappointed. Their new album drops on May 20th. Sure, ok, some of it is a little reminiscent of Queen. But it's good stuff. Go get it.

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