Sunday, March 2, 2008

Back from Bonaire

In case you wondered why Rachel and I haven't posted in a while, it is mainly because we spent a week in Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles, hanging out with my family and enjoying a little sun and surf. Bonaire is one of the "ABC Islands," along with Aruba and Curacao. It is a small island of about 14,000 people, who are happy, laid-back and friendly. There aren't tons of tourist attractions, but it is a great place for scuba diving, windsurfing or kiteboarding. The main language isn't Dutch, English or even Spanish, but Papiamento -- so next time you're in the vicinity, don't forget to tell the people you run into "Bon Bini."

Rachel came down with a cold, so we didn't get to do everything we had wanted to, but we did enjoy seeing much of my family for the first time since we left CT. Despite the health setback, we did manage to tour the island, take lots of pictures, take a sunset sail on the Samur, have great family meals at Capriccio, Mona Lisa and Antriol, and feast on the 10+ pounds of Salt Lick barbecue we brought with us on the plane.

So now we're back, and the posts should be coming again.

Here are a few highlights from the trip.

Juliette (niece) enjoying some sand by the Sand Dollar resort

Beckett (nephew), Cameron (niece) and Jackson (nephew), along with Urs (owners' son), on the Samur

Myself and Chris (bro-in-law) getting ready for the Salt Lick meat-down

Urs climbing the Samur's rigging


Gabe (nephew), flashing some sweet bling

Tiny former slave huts

Iguana, surveying the sea by the Sand Dollar

Family shot, Samur

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