John's giant rig
Things generally went well for us and the movers. Ralph and Michael managed to move our den sofa through the hall and into the middle bedroom by means of a space about an inch wider and taller than the sofa standing on its side. Lester, however, had one minor setback. A wandering neighborhood dog picked our house as the focal point of his exploratory shenanigans. Each time one of us chased it away to the point that it looked like it was leaving, it returned. We kept Lester inside, despite the doors being open for the movers. Finally, Rachel (of course) corralled the dog, who was wearing a tag from a location service -- often a sign of a repeat offender! I placed a call to the service, and five minutes later I got a call from someone who said "I think you have my dog." It turned out to be a college student neighbor. A few minutes later and dog and owner were happily reunited. While we humans all moved on quickly, Lester, who watched most of the events unfold from the living room window, is now apparently trying to make sure he matches all of the spots the mischievous dog "marked" around our property.
Rachel and Lester's new friend
In a little over 4 hours, all of our crap was stacked up around the house. Our first item of business? Lunch. We ate at the Central Market Cafe, then picked up some supplies for dinner. We may not have a refrigerator, but we have an oven. So we had a nice meal, drank a nice wine (2003 Benziger Rose Ranch Merlot) and got to work unpacking.
Jon serving our first meal at home
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