Back patio (full of pecan leaves)
The backyard, looking toward rear of house from one far corner
The kitchen and dining room, starting to take shape
(Sheila et al., note the table)
First home-cooked meal
Some local food items we picked up at the local H.E.B. to stock the new fridge.
Clockwise from top:
- Blue Bell Ice Cream -- apparently once called "the best ice cream in the world" by Time Magazine.
- Sweat Leaf Tea -- much better than Snapple, and available at most Whole Foods stores (also an Austin institution).
- Smoked sausage courtesy of Opa's Smoked Meats in nearby Fredericksburg.
- Shiner Dunkelweizen, one of the many Shiner beers brewed by Spoetzl Brewery.
mmmm blue bell